During 2011 PLM expanded its Detroit Lakes city beach treatment to include the entire stretch of shoreline nearly a mile long. In addition, PLM contracted with RMB Environmental Laboratories to perform pre and post treatment vegetation surveys. For the entire summer, little to no Flowering Rush was found. In addition, the surveys indicated several native species remained throughout the area. This also kept Swimmers Itch away for the summer as research has indicated a relationship between Flowering Rush and Swimmers Itch. PLM is now expanding this service to all lakefront property owners on Detroit Lakes.
For the past few years, PLM has been working on in co-operation with the Pelican River Watershed District, Mississippi State University, Concordia College, and the Army Core of Engineers on the management of Flowering Rush within the entire Pelican River Watershed District This year PLM applied different herbicides to different sites so the researchers could examine the effectiveness, and non target impacts. Although the results haven’t been finalized, the researchers seem to have an excellent candidate for management of this invasive species.