Chemical Side Trimming
Use of herbicides to control growth of portions of limbs that could affect power lines or roadside access, safety, and visibility. Certain herbicides can effectively “prune back” only the treated limbs and not control the tree completely. Application is made to limbs during winter months when deciduous trees are without foliage and conifers are dormant.

Dormant Chemical Side Trim
A dormant prescription is utilized for enhanced bark penetration so that the herbicides can reach the cambium layer of the tree; effectively pruning the tree without trans-location throughout the whole tree. Efficacy will exceed 90%.

Foliar Chemical Side Trim
Application is made directly onto the leaf surface and branches of encroaching limbs when the tree is actively growing. A foliar prescription is utilized for enhanced leaf penetration and grass safety. Efficacy rates will exceed 95%.
Benefits of Chemical Side Trimming
- Keeps the tree alive, healthy, and more aesthetically pleasing, while removing only the problem area of the vegetation.
- Requires less equipment, fewer people and is safer than mechanical trimming.
- Quicker to perform and less exposure to hazardous situations than traditional side trimming, such as helicopter trimming.
- Dormant application in winter months provides control without the unsightly “brown out”, with the exception of conifers, and extends the spray season beyond the traditional foliar application window.
- Up to 15’ of the right of way floor under a treated wall receives some herbicide (grass-safe) control. When treating both sides of a distribution right-of-way, this may total as much as 30’ on the floor, which could result in a reduction in right of way spraying area of 75% on a typical 40’ right of way.
- More cost-effective than mechanical trimming.
- Chemical side trim significantly extends the time frame until retreatment or trim cycle and reduces stem density on the wall.
- Side trim application crew serves as another set of eyes to discover and report problem areas to utility management.