PLM is committed to researching new methods and expanding our tool box for control of Aquatic Invasive Species. Rotating new and different chemistries and products will ensure that these plants do not develop resistance to herbicides. In the spring of 2011, PLM contacted The Mission Lakes Association to see if the lower lake could be a pilot project for Clearcast®. For over 6 years Mission Lakes has been battling Curlyleaf pondweed in the lower lake.
In previous years, the association was able to acquire grant funding for these treatments, however the initial five year study ended in 2010. PLM in cooperation with the Sepro Corporation conducted a study on a 35 acre parcel in the south bay of Lower Mission Lake. The results demonstrated that not only is Clearcast® effective on Curly leaf Pondweed, it appears to be much safer to handle, more selective than current methods and less restrictive to lake users.