Product tested in Shorewood lake could reshape the nation’s fight against pervasive zebra mussels. Article by: KELLY SMITH , Star Tribune Updated: September 9, 2014 – 10:59 AM A small [...]
MUSKEGON, Mich. (March 24, 2014)– Mother Nature didn’t hold back this winter, and the impact is still being felt, especially the toll it took on wildlife. While some waterfowl die every winter, [...]
Officials with the US Army Corps of Engineers and Grand Valley State University's Annis Institute say water levels have trended down for years now, but have never been this low. And the impact is [...]
‘Jellyfish’ spotted in Greenville lake DNR: Animals are native to Michigan waters Updated: Tuesday, 04 Sep 2012, 10:29 PM EDT Published : Tuesday, 04 Sep 2012, 8:31 PM EDT [...]
Fish dying; Heat Wave likely cause: [divider] Fish dying; Heat Wave likely cause DNR looking into fish deaths around Michigan Updated: Monday, 09 Jul 2012, 6:29 PM EDT Published : [...]
What does HR 872 mean for the environment and human health? Regulation of Pesticides – Registration and labeling of pesticides under FIFRA already requires that EPA ensure that the use of a [...]
Practical/Environmental Consequences Of NPDES Permits for Pesticides Pesticides serve an important role in protecting the Nation’s public health, waterways, forests and other resources. [...]
On March 16, 2011 the MNDNR released their bill for AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species) in Minnesota generating more than 5 million annually to the ISA (Invasive Species Account). This bill addresses [...]
MSRPO Gets Serious About AIS Minnesota Seasonal Property Owners Coalition MSRPO set out to make Aquatic Invasive Species, particularly Zebra Mussels, a priority in the state. The change from [...]
DNRE to Kill 13,000 Mute Swans Many people think Mute Swans are majestic and beautiful. But the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment believes Mute Swans are a pest. Click here [...]
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